$Id: README.TX@ 1.4 1994/02/19 01:45:05 oscar Exp $ ================================================================== Stealth Pro README.TXT ================================================================== ATTENTION ALL USERS -- PLEASE READ BEFORE INSTALLING ---------------------------------------------------- This is v3.00 BETA 2 of the Stealth Pro Install / Windows Drivers disk. While this driver has completed hundreds of hours of compatibility testing, Diamond has not completed full testing of these files and dupicated outstanding issues. By using this BETA disk, you are agreeing to accept the risks of testing Windows drivers that have known and unknown limitations. Diamond offers NO warranty on this software. Use at your own risk. Please backup any system critical files before installation. Installation Notes ------------------ Use the INSTALL file to install the Windows 3.1 drivers from DOS or from the Windows Program Manager. * Suggestion: Use MS VGA when installing from Program Manager to eliminate any OEM files that could create a conflict. * If the install says "file exists, overwrite Y/N" for any of the .VBX files, OVERWRITE it. The files provided are newer than those provided with Visual BASIC 3.0 and other VB apps. Leaving old files will produce errors like "Enter an integer". * If the install says "file in use, abort/continue" and the file in question is a font (*.FON) file, continue the install. * If strange errors occur and text is missing from dialogs, check for .VBX files in your \WINDOWS directory. .VBX files should only reside in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. Once the driver launches Windows, you will be placed in 640x480 16-color mode and prompted to select your monitor type. Select the brand monitor you have, compatible type, or use the Custom Monitor Timings to create your own configuration and custom screen centering. * Icon fonts are controlled by InControl Tools. When changing modes back to VGA or a non-Diamond driver, these settings still remain. To change back to default icon font, search the WIN.INI file for the IconTypeFace, IconTypeStyle, and IconTypeSize lines. Place a semicolon (;) in front of these lines or remove the lines entirely. * Only resolutions that have been selected as supported in the Display module will be available in the Viewport choices. If your monitor can display a resolution provided by the card, go to Display and select a monitor that offers that mode and refresh, or select Custom Monitor Timings and Add the mode. * If Windows only displays a single alphabetic character for the icon font, select a different font from the list of InControl Tools. Windows may not support the font type/size requested in the resolution and resource size displayed. * If you had screen savers loaded previously, and they seem not to load on startup any longer, see the message at the top regarding backing up important files and the limitation down below of LOAD= line being replaced and not appended. This is a limitation of the Windows 3.xx SETUP program. Utilities --------- STLMODE should be installed for all first-time operations. This program controls the frequencies sent to the monitor for all non-Windows programs and will allow the high resolution and high color modes to syncronize correctly on your screen. STLMODE.EXE allows selection of text modes, video emulation modes, and monitor mode frequencies for all environments outside of DOS. Monitor timing information is saved to the EEPROM on the Stealth Pro and is automatically loaded on powerup or reset. Users with monitors not conforming to the industry preset monitors provided can select the CUSTOM MONITOR option which allows selection of frequencies, sync polarities, and screen centering for each video resolution and color depth. Please consult your monitor manual for the exact capabilities of your monitor before selecting monitor timing. We strongly urge that selection of monitor timings in CUSTOM be made for all resolutions and color depths. Windows 3.1 ----------- The following Windows 3.1 drivers are included: Resolution Colors Displayed 640x480 16 256 65,536 16,777,216 800x600 16 256 65,536 1024x768 16 256 65,536 1280x1024 16 256 Release Notes ------------- Changes in BETA 2 from BETA 1: ------------------------------ Monitor timings revised to match monitor capabilities 24bit - no GPF during print WinFAX Pro 3 letter dropping/chopping corrected 24bit - DOS prompt works; doesn't exit Windows DOS install allows colon (:) to be used in path Major changes [in BETA 1] include: ---------------------------------- TrueType printing cut-offs are gone GetPixel() function supported Win32s-based applications supported Foreign Character support included Word 6 lockup displaying Tip of the Day corrected Excel 5 lockup corrected Installation revamped and automated Diamond InControl Tools added for mode switching and more... Known Limitations: ------------------ * No pen windows support (to be added in release) * BubbleJet printers may print garbled text * 24-bit I-beam cursor is clear/white * 24-bit Some 'spin' arrow buttons may appear clear not black * 16/24-bit - Help hypertext is black, not green. This is a limitation of Windows 3.xx and will not be addressed. * Resolutions and color depths can not be selected from the DOS SETUP program (to be added in release). * Previous installations of drivers are not uninstalled. Selecting the Diamond icon in Control Panel will GPF. Selecting the InControl Tools icon in Control Panel is ok * Using the DOS install, WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files over 64k in size may be truncated. * No 800x600 24bpp driver (to be added for release) InControl Tools --------------- Features: --------- Virtual Desktop Custom cursor color and size Custom font size, style, and type Real-time pan and zoom VESA Display Power Management Signaling support Keyboard and mouse hotkeys Monitor timing and refresh selections in Windows Real-time screen centering Known Limitations (Diamond): ---------------------------- * Some hotkey combinations override application functions * Centering tools don't work on Nanao 550I (monitor limitation) Known Limitations (Windows): ---------------------------- * Font selections remaining after switching to VGA * Some applications appear elongated in virtual desktops * The LOAD= line in WIN.INI is replaced, not appended * Placement of some items in SYSTEM.INI may appear random, due to standard Windows API call Contacting DIAMOND for this BETA -------------------------------- If you are reporting a bug on this BETA release, please complete the included Problem Report Form (PDR.TXT) and send it to us. Diamond can be reached through a number of ways: Postal Service : Diamond Computer Systems STEALTH PRO BETA 1130 East Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Voice (Main) : (408) 736-2000 Voice (TechSppt): (408) 736-2000 Ask for Stealth Pro BETA support [M-F 6a-7p; Sat 8a-4p Pacific] [plus 24hr automated help] FAX (Main) : (408) 730-5750 FAX (Support) : (408) 773-8000 Reference STEALTH PRO BETA BBS (to 2400) : (408) 730-1100 BBS (9600+) : (408) 524-9301 CompuServe : GO DMNDONLINE Reference STEALTH PRO BETA America Online : GO DIAMOND Reference STEALTH PRO BETA All product names listed are trademarks or copyrights of their respective owners. ================================================================== Diamond Computer Systems, Inc. (c) 1994 (408) 736-2000 All Rights Reserved ==================================================================